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UK plastic packaging market is more transparent

 Recently, the Ministry of Health and Family Planning Commission announced the 258 kinds of food packaging materials additives list , which is the third installment of the 2009 original list issued by the Ministry of Health to carry out clean-up notice of food packaging materials published before 2011 were two batches List and 2012 release. At the same time , starting in January of this year, including food packaging materials , including food standards cleanup work being conducted.

      In the current packaging materials and packaging materials standard cleaning process of new varieties of food packaging materials declare what changes ? Food packaging companies should focus on what regulations ? " China Press and Publication News" reporter interviewed on these issues in the original Ministry of Health Center for Health Supervision permit assessment of the person in charge Yongfang .

       The future will be more standardized reporting of new varieties

      " China Press reported that" : standard cleanup materials and packaging, new varieties will declare what benefit ?

       In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Food Safety Law" , the former Ministry of Health issued a " food-related products new varieties administrative licensing regulations" in 2011 , and began working on licensing new varieties of food packaging materials . Food packaging materials and cleanup standards , not only for the licensing of new varieties has laid a good basis for the work , but also for the future licensing of new varieties of normative , scientific provided. Previously, because there is no permission to implement many of the audit would have been without safety packaging materials used in the market; And because all departments in the development of food packaging materials standards, resulting in many standard duplicate , cross or contradictory. After the clean-up work through , for what is new varieties will be more clear, reporting, and review of the admissibility of new varieties , the license will be more standardized. 

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