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Interaction between packaging and cultural

Today's world, is leading a new wave of cultural and creative economic rise of the tide , the packaging industry is also achieved with the aid of the cultural and creative industry revitalization. Packaging industry has been an integral part of the national economy an important industry . Imagine if not all types of packaging , the world will be like , people's daily life will be what kind of impact ? The basic function of packaging is to protect the merchandise, convenient transportation , or a description of the function of the product introduction and promotion of consumption , so the packaging, especially with consumer interests are closely related to the product packaging , but should adhere to scientific and technological progress and humane care .

Secondly , I personally believe that the best way to solve this problem is grabbed from the packaging creative design .

In addition , recycling recycling economy and the rise of packaging waste , extending the social and economic responsibility in the packaging industry , and the birth of a new model of resource recycling packaging waste "scientific social engineering" .

 Combination of science popularization and cultural creativity will effectively enhance national environmental , conservation awareness , in the typical sense of the packaging industry, sustainable development of circular economy can be demonstrated. In our study of Korean industry, for example metal cans , metal cans Resources Association Korea built a " renewable base metal cans propaganda exhibition " in 2005 , with headquarters abbreviation "CRA" to outline the shape of the building . In order to attract interest in visiting the children , creating an anthropomorphic cartoon Cadillac (CANDY), metal cans from production and circulation , consumption , waste , recycling , recycling the entire process , to animation, film , models and other means , vivid , popular , interactive show for children, so that they are loved from childhood resources, protecting the environment , turning waste into treasure of a good educa
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